Sunday, February 7, 2010

Welcome to Fiction Foodie

Welcome to Fiction Foodie. The purpose of this blog is to engage in all topics related to fiction and food. Why? Because those are my passions!

Fiction spans all mediums including books, film and television. I love all forms of storytelling and am very interested in news related to these fields since current events affect the outcome of how stories are framed. These mediums are constantly crossing over— books are made into movies, movies into TV shows, and so on. Fiction plays a role in our daily lives, whether we realize it or not. We use it to teach lessons, gain sympathy and learn from one another. Fiction, at its very core, is about understanding the human condition— we all share common feelings and needs. Stories connect unlikely personalities because they address common, related issues.

And what else could you identify with more than the basic human need for food?

I love a good dish to match a good story. Food and stories go together like peanut butter and jelly, peas and carrots (ha, at least to "Forrest Gump")... just insert the analogy of your choice. How else is the "Dinner & a Movie" series still going? That was the runner-up title choice for this blog, by the way. How else do movie theaters sell all that popcorn and soda? Because we love to eat and watch. Just seems like the natural thing to do.

I love to cook and keep up with different styles, techniques and nutrition. I find that my tastes are ever-expanding so I love trying out new recipes. I am interested in the nutrition aspect, because, let's face it, you can't have a healthy appetite and not think about health if you want to live a long, comfortable life. Unfortunately, baking is the most fun for me, which means I have to find ways to share baked creations. An afternoon covered in flour is just as satisfying as actually eating the end product. I've learned that it's possible to enjoy both indulgent and healthy eating as long as you stay aware and find a balance.

That's what I hope to do with this blog— balance my passions for fiction and food. I find that these subjects often overlap because again, they fulfill basic human needs— entertainment and sustenance. It's the spice of life— quite literally in some cases.

My profile should give you some insight into my background. I've shared some links to my favorite publications or references for these topics. You will notice "The Experts" list, which is a running list of my influences in fiction and food. My hope is this will give you a sense of my tastes and biases. After all, this is my opinion blog.

Happy reading and bon appetit!

Emily B
Fiction Foodie

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